VPs Gained Player Name Character Name Ships VS Player Name Character Name Ships VPs Gained
22 Jim Mead Serge' de François Navales Françaises Imperial Wagram 120 gun Ship of the Line   Dave Gorsline William Wittaker HMS Barfleur  98L gun Ship of the Line 10
      Navales Françaises Imperial Ulm 74 gun Ship of the Line   Derik Will Sir Robert Archabald Ratcatcher HMS Pompee 74 gun Ship of the Line 10

 Fish Bowl Duel Off Toulon

The Action of 5 November 1813 was a brief naval clash during the Napoleonic Wars, between part of the British Mediterranean Fleet led by Vice-Admiral Sir Edward Pellew, and a French force under Rear-Admiral Julien Cosmao-Kerjulien. The engagement took place outside the French port of Toulon.

The clash occurred when a French fleet under Vice-Admiral Maxime Julien Émeriau de Beauverger took advantage of a favourable wind and the temporary absence of the British blockading force, to leave port to carry out exercises. Émeriau abandoned the exercises when the wind changed, but while returning to port his rear came under attack from the recently returned British inshore squadron. The British attack was reinforced by newly arrived ships from the main fleet, but the French were able to escape into Toulon after exchanging cannon fire with the British. Casualties on both sides were light.


Sea State: 3 to 4

Wind Speed Change: Gusty

Wind Direction Change: Coastal


Played: January 22nd  2018 at Jim's
Out Come: Inconclusive; French 22 to British 20 because the British started with 2 more points.

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