CAPTAIN VOITAN'S LOG: NSS CAZADORE CREW ROUSER (By Berths): CAPTAINS CABIN : Captain Voitan OFFICERS CABIN ONE: Dr. E-Gor-O-Vich Volus Scientist OFFICERS CABIN TWO: Blasto (acting publicity Officer) and Quoyle (His Bat Man) Crew Beths: (Various races, half are Asari) Cargo Bay One/APEX Barrack : 30 APEX Troopers (Level 8) including one Elcor Heavy Weapons specialist. 10 Vargr Space Marines, 10 Vesk Wariors Cargo Bay Two: Dr. Dr. E-Gor-O-Vich Volus Scientist and this Faber Lab Cargo Bay Three:(Mech Bay) 3 HYDRA Mechs & Voitan's Nomad Shuttle Bay One (Cargo Bay Four): Stretch Ai SH3 Shuttle Computer Core : 2nd Legion and his Geth recharging station TOTAL EXP SO FAR during the 4th Campaign : Ambassador Voitan: 359,791 + 20,000 = 379,791(LEVEL 14) Dr E-Gor-O-Vich 326,417+ 25,000 = 351,417 (LEVEL 14 ) Kloro Zysstus 145,000 + 5,000 = 150,000 (LEVEL 12 ) BLASTO : 1,765,719 (LEVEL 19) QUOYLE (BLASTO'S BODY GUARD) : 46,477 (LEVEL 8) Aleena (Blood Talon APEX TEAM Leader) 54,307 (LEVEL 9) Raul (Blood Talon VARGR TEAM Lt) 36,307(LEVEL 8) Yanagis (Blood Talon VESK TEAM Champion) 34,307 (LEVEL 8) Julli Bowman: 66,377 = 66,377(LEVEL 9) Commander of SR3L Frankenstein 2nd Legion 251,000 = 251,000(LEVEL 13 ) The Rest of the crew 37,899 (LEVEL 8) 29 APEX Troopers (Level 8) 9 Vargr Space Marines (LEVEL 8) 9 Vesk Warriors (LEVEL 8) Current cash reserve: 1,785,720 Cr (MWG) & 3 Angaran Crystals & 7 Remnant Drift Crystals 1,007,000 Cr (PACT) Current PARAGON Points: 99 + 5 - 5 = 99 Current RENEGADE Points: 96 -9 +1 = 88
RADIO SPECTROGRAM OF THE ANDROMEDA SOUTH BY SE OCTANT MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDIA 2821 Chapter 5 17:00 May 5th 2821 NST: 129 days, 1806 LY covered & 1778 LY from Meridian in the Heleus Cluster: Ushant Station, Vargr Republic Orbits Eusa (Ushant VI) Population: 83,000+ Opening Scene: Docking At Ushant Station “Ushant” system, the most “Rim ward” star system of the Vargr Republic. 548 Lys to Wolf Lair; Vargr Home system. Star: Ushant, Type B (Blue) main sequence Planets: 3 Debris/asteroid belts: 4 Orbits: Kadaraw 5000 Ls Belt One 25,000 Ls Belt Two 625,000 Ls Belt Three 2,500,000 Ls Belt Four 25,000,000 Ls Eusa 50,000,000 Ls Population 1.5 million, Capital RumRaul (750k) Cur ‘Heller 55,000,000 Ls: Ice Planet similar to Noveria Scene One: 17:00 May 5th 2821 NST: Scene One: Diplomatic Introductions: Tribute. Lt Raul and Captain Julie Bowen had put together a 5ton cargo container with items the Heleus Alliance have to offer in commerce with the Vargr Republic. Lt. Raul of the Vargr Marines also vouches for the APEX forces and their HA allies. Diplomacy IS REQUIRED. Viotan Decides to:
Things to do on the outpost: A general visitor’s map of the station is provided. Visitor ids are uploaded. Raul is off to report to the Naval Office on the Station, but offers his units’ services to Voitan if he wants him to stay on. The Veskarium also maintain offices on the station. Yanagis is signaled to check in. He too offers his units services if Voitan wants them to stay.
Scene Two:
Viotan Decides
to do on the outpost USHANT: Scene Three: CONTACTS: Raul and Julie Bowen put together a 5ton cargo container with items the Heleus Alliance have to offer in commerce with the Vargr Republic. Lt. Raul of the Vargr Marines also vouches for the APEX forces and their HA allies. Diplomacy brings the Dock Fees to 1cr per ship for the 1st 21 standard days. A general visitor’s map of the station is provided. Visitor ids are uploaded. Raul is off to report to the Naval Office on the Station, but offers his units’ services to Voitan if he wants him to stay on. The Veskarium also maintain offices on the station. Yanagis is signaled to check in. He too offers his units services if Voitan wants them to stay. After Decontamination through the Docks air locks the crews of the Heleus Alliance Task Force may explore the station. Unfortunately, the Vargr Republic doesn’t recognize MWG credits or Angarian Crystals so money maybe an issue. Scene Four: 18:00 May 5th 2821 NST: OFFERS: Local and Republic media is accessible, and there is considerable coverage of the Kett-Swarm war. There’s coverage of the Heleus Alliance Task force arrival. There’s also a lot of bandwidth given something called the “Mystery Rock” that showed up in the system a little over 2 weeks ago. Several Republic News groups contact Ambassador Voitan for interviews, Along with numerous travel agencies, commercial companies and individual adventures. Two interesting offers come in: 1.1. The Pact Empire has a “dispute” with the Vargr Republic over a mining Ship that pulled into the system just last week. 2. A Powerful Vargr Industrialist says he needs your help. FIRST OFFER Holo Link is available where ever Voitan decides to take the call. The Port Captain Whar of the Ushant Station is siting with both Lt Raul and Pact Empire Ambassador Nor of the planet Eox. “We need a 3rd party to resolve a salvage dispute, and Lt Raul vouches for your courage.” She then goes on to describe the situation: Just over two standard weeks ago a Pact mining hauler, the Acreon dropped out of the drift into the Ushant system, just a few hours thruster range away from the station. The ship had a large dark matter laden asteroid in tow. The ship was hailed, with no response. The system patrol ships investigated at a distance and detected no heat signatures, or any other activity, with systems powered down or on standby. Station security quarantined the ship and the Asteroid, now known as the “Mystery Rock” pending further inquiry. The PACT was contacted via QEC and a week later the PACT Empire Ambassador Nor of the planet Eox arrived at the station demanding access to the ship. So far the Vargr Star Navy has refused.
Lt Raul sends a private text message to Voitan explaining what is happening, and why the Port Captain is reluctant to hand over the ship and its cargo.
First the ship is not a registered Eoxian ship. Yes the planet Eox is a member of the PACT, BUT the actual owners of the ship seem to be “unavailable” for contact these last 2 weeks and the Port Captain can’t seem to find out why. She is warry of PACT politics and doesn’t want to cause an incident by handing over the ship. Unfortunately not handing over the ship is causing an incident as well. Second and the main reason she has not handed over the ship is that Ushant is right on the edge of DEAD SPACE, and the Eoxian’s are a race of Undead. (Rual forwards information on the Eoxians to Voitan just to be sure he has seen their back ground. Voitan was given a brief description of the known members of the PACT when they made contact with the Vargr back in 2820.) What Voitan wasn’t told then is that one of the Eoxian battle fleets went rogue a few decades ago and joined/formed the backbone of the DEAD Fleet that has been terrorizing the edges of DEAD SPACE ever since.
The Port Captain Whar and Pact Empire Ambassador Nor have a solution to their salvage dispute. Have the newly arrived Heleus ships investigate the Starhauler Acreon and its cargo. They can verify IF it’s safe to be handed over, or DANGEROUS and needs to be confiscated or destroyed. SECOND OFFER Yarr Fuaral of Fuaral Enterprises merchant line wishes to invite Voitan and friends to dinner aboard his Star Liner Flagship. Voitan acepts and Voitan, Egoravich, Juli, Blasto, Quad, Aleena Raul, & Yanagis have dinner on the Yarr's Starliner/Yatch The Gold Tooth High quality food is provided including Dextro Sinister based for Turians. After Dinner Yarr gets down to Business. “Ambassador your in the unique position to help me. I in turn can be VERY helpful to you in dealing with interactions in the Republic. I have a problem that needs the Up Most Discretion” “Can you be discreet Ambassador?”
“My favorite Daughter has been missing for almost one of your ‘Standard’ years now.” The captain of the Furious was actually looking for her ‘discreetly’ out on the outer Rim, which is where your ‘Heleus Alliance is’. I trust the Captain of the Furious, and when his ship came back through a few months ago he mentioned you and said you can be trusted. Can I trust you Ambassador Voitan?”
“Im going to open up an account in the Republic National Bank with the equivalent of 1million of your MWG credits in platinum. This will help you open trade and commercial connections to the Republic with your Alliance. You will now have money for you and your people to start to do business with.” “If you find my Daughter, I will transfer 6 million more to you personally along with my unending gratitude and you will have a powerful friend in the Republic’s private sector.” “What do you say ambassador?” Yes? YES Voitan gets an "Information Agent" Krolo Zysstus (a Dark Elf Cyborg) assigned to him to monitor progress as part of the deal. Voitan reviews a Vargr Mincomp ball: It’s been updated with information on Yarr’s daughter. To activate you squeeze it and it will hover in the air and will answer questions viva voice utilizing holograms when needed. Scene FIVE: Acreon : 00:00 May 6th 2821 NST: OFFERS: Voitan has the NSS CAZADORE Mass Effect FTL over to the Acreon and her Asteroid 5,000Ls away, to park about 1Ls away (300,000km), which takes seconds. He then has a SH3 shuttle move a team of 7 Plus Nor's observation skull to 1000km away then has them take a Mass Effect EVA Sled the last 1000km. At the Acreon airlock hatch at 00:15 Voitan breaks the team into two squads of 4. Assigned to the "Mystery Rock" Aleena, 2nd Legion, Raul, & Voitan jet pack down to the Rock; a 15 minute trip. Scans reviled two things, the asteroid is artificial, and there is a cave enterance on the other side from the cradle clamp. Assigned to the "the Acreon" Egoravich, Yanagis, Krolo, & Nor's Skull Enter the ship. Three Things happen there. They find a DEAD FLEET Officer in the port cargo bay, they find a dead crewmen in the hall with a cracked helmet and an empty Laser pistol. An Andromeda Human male died of slow pressure loss to his suit. Finally they find the ships computer in disassembled pieces along with the rest of the crew on the Bridge. The remaining crew had transformed into Necromorphs. After clearing the Acreon the squad joins the other team waiting at the cave entrance on the "Mystery Rock" surface at 00:30