Whiteman USAAF  Base, Missouri USA

[I am sitting with Colonel Robert Jones B-2 Spirit pilot at the 509th Bomber commander.]


"The B-2 mission to destroy the PRC's "Ballistic Anti Aircraft Carrier Missiles" the East Wind DF-26s was largely a success, you were aware of the possibility that this strike could lead to what what happened in space or worse a nuclear exchange. What was your reaction to the PRC's response?


I was actually relieved. As you stated yourself it was a gamble, but the PRC was freely bombing both our allies in Taiwan and Vietnam at that point so the PRC leadership was expecting that we would go after those assets. The effectiveness of their SAM batteries surrounding those particular missiles attests to that. It was the first bombing of the Main land PRC though and escalation could have been anything up to a nuclear strike. So I was relieved that they choose the "Space" option. It also indicated that our attacks on the DF-26s had been effective in neutralizing the system."

How is that?

The East Wind DF-26 ASBM (Anti Ship Ballistic Missile) system is a VERY complicated piece of hardware. The flight constraints of the missiles targeting and trajectory for its exit and reentry into the atmosphere at the precise angles to avoid self destruction of the missile itself not to mention to hitting a moving target requires ALOT of guidance that only military satellites could provide.  When  the PRC activated their anti-satellite  weapons systems it was a clear admission that their ASBM system was already completely off line. Once they started hitting our satellites, they knew that we would retaliate by shooting down theirs, thus making the DF-26 useless. They had nothing to lose at that point, or so they thought.

What do you mean?

Once all the  satellites were down, they lost a big part of their own Media System. Cyber warfare went into high gear the same day. The Social Media systems around the world started to collapse. In the West the collapse of social Media was greeted as, at worst, a minor annoyance to some and to most as a blessing. In the PRC however, their Social Media system was curial to their control of their own people. It was only a matter of time before things started unwinding on the mainland, and with out their "Spin Masters" telling the people what to think every moment of the day, the average PRC citizen started to have "doubts" about the

Communist Party Leadership...


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