


AL' Kawm




Al' Kawm

An ancient oaisis community dating back over 9,000 years. It was a fairly prosperous town of 2000 before the "Arab Spring" in 2011. Before then the Al'Kawm hotel was always full of field scientiests and tourists there to look at the ancient ruins just North West of town.

The Syrian civil war ignored the small town for more than 3 years, until 2014, when the ISIS figthers cam to town and claimed it as a part of their "Caliphate of the Levant".


They were pushed out in 21017, only to return yet again in March 2019 to be kicked out a second time in April 2019.


As of March 2020 and the Covid-19 virus is sweeping the Middle East, the town is down to 800 people, and many are sick with the COVID virus. The SAA (Syrian Arab Army) unit

Stationed here pulled out 10 days ago when a newly arrived French scientist fell sick and many in town became sick within a week after that.


The Lion of AS Sukhnah

 Lt Al Dariq and his platoon arrived in town with their new friend DJ"Mustafa on the morning of the 23rd. DJ and his woves have medical experience, as does John Gold that meets

them there. Al'Dariq gives a inspirational speech and they get to work helping those of the town.