Operational Briefing



 We and the Werewolves


The Nazis Counter Offensive into Belerussia 1942


Operational Log:

in Zero Point Achtung Cthulhu


July 16th 1942, Smolensk.

The team is given a 3 new T34s

And a "WE" power armor platoon

Under command of COMSTATUNIT-2 Jason.


The Team:

Lt Dzheyms Novosibirsk Tank Cmdr Soviet Army

Srgt Abram Nizhny Tank Driver

Aleksay Omsk Efreitor (Prvt)  Tank Gunner

Boris Belcufsky Efreitor (Prvt) Tank Gun Loader



600k troops

1545 Tanks

900 Air Craft



400k Hier troops

1000 Tanks/Walkers

1500 Air Craft

30k SS troops

240k zombies


Prior to the German attack, the Soviets launched a counter-offensive; on 6 July,

 the 7th and 5th Mechanized Corps of the Soviet 20th Army attacked with about 1,500 tanks

 east of the city. The result was a disaster, as the offensive ran directly into the anti-tank

 defenses of the German 7th Panzer Division and the two Soviet mechanized corps were

 virtually wiped out.

Hoth's 3rd Panzer Group drove north and then east, parallel to Guderian's forces,

 taking Polotsk and Vitebsk. The 7th Panzer Division and 20th Panzer Division reached the

 area east of Smolensk at Yartsevo on July 15. At the same time, the 29th Motorized

 Division, supported by the 17th Panzer Division broke into Smolensk, captured the city

 except for the suburbs and began a week of house-to-house fighting against counter-attacks

 by the 16th Army. 


Scene One: July 16th: Counter Attacks by the Soviet 16th Army

 The team's T34 with the aid of Soviet WE Atomic Power Suit Troops

fights its way into the city square were the Town hall and Library

 are located. They destroy 4 German Panzer IIILs and driving off SS Major

 Maxum in his Panzer Walker V

COMSTATUNIT-2 "JASON" Orders the team to remove certain old books



 Scene Two: Twilight July 16th: SS Captain NachBeben and his SS Werewolves

attack the Teams T34s and their WE Battle suited support troops with

satchel charges.



Scene Three :Escape by Sky Barge

Colonel Kassle in her flying Sky Battleship URSS MOSKVA

Rescues the surviving team members flies off to the North leaving Smolensk

awash in Zombies and Darkness.


Survivors advance to Level 4 

























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