Posideon (December)


Scene One: Battle at the Temple of Posideon.

The players use the Sky Barge to ferry themselves, 50 Spartans and 14 Egyptian Sorcerers through the Force field to launch an assault to bring the force field down .




Scene Two: Orphean Stasis chambers.

With the Palladion (the machine of 5 parts) dismantled and Nyarlathotep’s betroyal with the steeling the orchimium power crystal,

the invading Allied armies land just as the island begins to be wrecked by massive earth quakes.

This doesn't deter the allied forces as they set siege to the City of Atlantis.

The Battle of the Temple rages with the appearance of Several gods and monsters including;  Atlas, his twin brother Gaderius, Dagon and even Posidoen himself.

During their incursion teh group learn that Orpheus has prepared 12 indestructable stasis chambers for himself, Cleito and her 10 children.

When Cleito is slain in the fighting Orpheus seals himself in one.

 The group follow suite, just in time to see through the closing chambers, Atlantis dissolve in an inter-dimensional explosion

when Posideon, in a fit of rage at Cleito's death, breaks his Master Trident in two and destroyers the island of Atlantis

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