"Riven Shroud: A damaged... ruin... of a Dyson Sphere, though much is still inhabitable. There's a variety of known and unknown races currently exploring it, and it's also got defenses that engage approaching ships from time to time. However, it's seemingly using ruined ships to try and repair itself. But what happened to the crews? Spooky stuff, no doubt". Could be a fun challenge...

                                                                                            Yanagis, Champion of the VESK assigned the NSS CAZADORE




CREW ROUSER (By Berths):

CAPTAINS CABIN : Captain Voitan

OFFICERS CABIN ONE: Dr. E-Gor-O-Vich Volus Scientist

OFFICERS CABIN TWO: Blasto (acting publicity Officer) and Quoyle (His Bat Man)

Crew Beths: (Various races, half are Asari)

Cargo Bay One/APEX Barrack : 30 APEX Troopers (Level 7) including one Elcor Heavy Weapons specialist. 10 Vargr Space Marines, 10 Vesk Wariors

Cargo Bay Two: Dr. Dr. E-Gor-O-Vich Volus Scientist and this Faber Lab

Cargo Bay Three:(Mech Bay) 3 HYDRA Mechs & Voitan's Nomad

Shuttle Bay One (Cargo Bay Four):  Stretch Ai SH3 Shuttle

Computer Core : 2nd Legion and his Geth recharging station

TOTAL EXP SO FAR during the 4th Campaign :

Ambassador Voitan: 324,191 + 25,600 = 349,791(LEVEL 14)

Dr E-Gor-O-Vich 290,817 + 25,600 = 316,417 (LEVEL 14 )

BLASTO :   1,765,719 (LEVEL 19)


Aleena (Blood Talon APEX TEAM Leader) 54,307 (LEVEL 9)

Raul (Blood Talon VARGR TEAM Lt) 36,307(LEVEL 8)

Yanagis (Blood Talon VESK TEAM Champion) 34,307 (LEVEL 8)

Julli Bowman:  65,377(LEVEL 9) Commander of SR3L Frankenstein

2nd Legion 250,000(LEVEL 13 )

The Rest of the crew

 37,899 (LEVEL 8)

 29 APEX Troopers (Level 8)

 9 Vargr Space Marines (LEVEL 8)

 9 Vesk Warriors (LEVEL 8)

Current cash reserve

1,785,720 Cr (MWG) & 3 Angaran Crystals & 7 Remnant Drift Crystals

Current PARAGON Points: 86 - 5  = 81

Current RENEGADE Points: 61 +35  = 96





"Riven Shroud: A damaged... ruin... of a Dyson Sphere, though much is still inhabitable. There's a variety of known and unknown races currently exploring it, and it's also got defenses that engage approaching ships from time to time. However, it's seemingly using ruined ships to try and repair itself. But what happened to the crews? Spooky stuff, no doubt". Could be a fun challenge...

                                                                                            Yanagis, Champion of the VESK assigned the NSS CAZADORE








09/10/2020: THE RIVEN SHROUD

Chapter 3

Opening Scene: Alliance Task Force

DAY 52 of crossing & 672 Light Years into DEAD SPACE

08:00 February 21st  2821 NST:

The Fleet arrives in the Riven System. Both Yanagis and Raul

confirm this is the infamous that contains an

ancient (3 million standard year old) ruined  Dyson sphere.


Multiple sensor contact and signals (possibly SOSs) are discovered.

 Voitan moves the Fleet in to investigate...


Scene One:

DAY 28 of crossing

09:00 February 21st  2821 NST

The CAZADORE and her escorts approach a massive wreck transmitting an automated SOS.

Further investigation reveals that the ID(A Starfinder society Ship of roughly 97meteres long does not match the wreck which when all one piece was approximately 13km long (its now spread out over 20km). Lots of "Dark Matter" signatures are in and around the wreckage.

Voitan orders his captains to avoid this one.

Scene Two:

10:00 February 21st  2821 NST

The Feet warps in to investigate another contact

Its another SOS but this time its aliving person, a human like human

in golden powered space armor.

She identifies herself as Farther Veronica of the Order of Iomedae

her ship is the Argonos of the 1st Act (term used for Iomedaen Fleet)

The Argonos is a 3658m Cathedral ship which was on a Holy mission

to  investigate the Revin Shroud and the many space wrecks that are in its orbit. They found a big and largely intact ship requesting aid. Their boarding parties explored the large ship (which is 5.6km) for 3 weeks but only got through less than half it.

That's when the "plague" broke out. It affected the boarding parties that had been on the alien ship first and then it spread to others.

That was a week ago. Now the Argonos' captain is dead and the expedition's leader Bishop is now locked in his cabin and has been for days. The ship is Locked Down and Argonos' command codes are in there with the Bishop.

 Ambassador Voitan offers his assistance.


Scene Three :

11:00 to 13:00 February 21st  2821 NST:

Once on the Cathedral ship Viotan and his "Away Team" of 36 realize that the situation is much worse than Farther Veronica  had let on.

Their Cathedral ship in locked, airlock to airlock to the Alien ship at in several places. They cant seem to get the ships unlocked.

A manual attempt was made but the teams sent  have been attacked by the plague victims on the inside and on the outside, someone/thing is targeting the work crews on the exterior of the ship.

Original 7000 crew, only 1200 are left alive. The rest have been transformed into monsters after dieing from the strange disease from the alien ship.

The ship is completely under lock down, and they cant even launch shuttles, fighters or even escape pods without the Bishops command codes.

With the majority of the crew locked in the ship's main chapel, Viotan, his team are lead by Farther Veronica they spend 90 minutes moving through the maze of the ships sealed off sections, sealed off to keep the infected from killing the rest of the crew, to the Bishops quarters.

Scene Four :

13:00 February 21st  2821 NST

They reach the Bishops quarter, they get the door unlocked.

Sadly the Bishop is not his self,

He's been eating nothing but altar boys for the last week and now

he eats Farther Veronica.

While most of the away team is "Frozen in Fear"

Dr Egorivich destroyers the corrupted bishop with his HPMG:

Heavy Plasma Machine Gun.

The ceiling of the Bishops suite is vaporized, and the command codes

along with the floor of main cathedral right below the altar.

Killing the last of the ship's leadership while they were saying mass.

With the last of the ship's leadership dead, the highest person left in

 the Argonos chain of command is the assistant head altar boy

(who has just turned 12)

"Darkest has consumed the ship!

 Engineers Detonate the Drive Core!

 Everyone else please proceed out the nearest airlock!"

Pandemonium ensues as many of the sealed sections of the ship are

 opened to allow the remaining crew a chance to escape.

Unfortunately it opens up a way for the infected to reach the

rest of the crew as well.


Scene Five :

13:30 February 21st  2821 NST

Voitan and his "Away Team" of 36 fight their way back to an airlock

Its much faster now all the corridors of the Cathedral ship are open.

They escape just before both the Cathedral and Alien ships fall into

an "Event Horizon" style black hole from the overloaded Drive core.


Scene Six :

16:00 February 21st  2821 NST:

Back on the CAZADORE Voitan and his "Away Team" of 36 are sitting in decontamination when a communication from the original derelict space ship is received.

Three VOID Hags request a "Parley"



Voitan decides to decline the call and orders the fleet to leave

the Revin Shroud system...







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