FRANCE 1944 Turn One : JUNE 30 TO JULY 3 


Allies capture Cherbourg, Caen, Rennes, and Lorient. Brest is cut off and under siege.

Total number of Allied controlled Hexes : 6


ALLIED: No Losses over 5 convoys (20 Liberty Ships and 5 Victory Ships).

95 cargo units successfully crossed channel (95,000 tons)

200 cargo units Available for used to supply Combat Units at start of the Turn One (200,000 tons)

156 cargo units used to supply Combat Units (156,000 tons) Turn One. (39 Ground Combat Points)

Supply Levels at the End of Turn (July 3rd):


50,000 tons per Turn Capacity (100,000 tons per Turn Capacity Undamaged)

Current Depoe Level:  14,000 tons

Gold Beach Bridgehead                                                         

75,000 tons per Turn Capacity

Current Depoe Level: 15,000 tons

Red Beach Bridgehead                                                          

75,000 tons per Turn Capacity

Current Depoe Level: 15,000 tons






20 Neger U-Boats

Abandoned, Captured, Destroyed, or Transferred Out

30 Marder U-Boats

Abandoned, Captured, Destroyed, or Transferred Out

20 Molch U-Boats

Abandoned, Captured, Destroyed, or Transferred Out

20 Biber U-Boats

Abandoned, Captured, Destroyed, or Transferred Out

20 Seehund U-Boats

Abandoned, Captured, Destroyed, or Transferred Out

18 S-Boats

Transferred In