Current PARAGON Points: 30 +40 = 70 (MAX:100) Current RENEGADE Points: 5 (MAX:100)
MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA STARFINDER/5e CAMPAIGN 5. 08/21/2022: MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDIA 2821 Chapter 7: The Hive of MindsOpening Scene: The Edge of teh Sus System Saturday August 21st 2821 NST: SuS V (Suskillon): SWARM GARDEN PLANET
13 :00 August 21st 2821 NST: Scene One: Running the BlockadeThe team successfully evade patrols to reach the planet's orbit. Strangely unlike other planets that the Swarm have conquered, Suskillon seems to be fated for something even more sinister.
13:10 August 21st 2821 NST: Scene Two: The team lands at the temple and finds the swarm creatures in an unusually docile state. The team wisely decides to avoid combat and enters the temple to perform the link with Hylax and the SWARM.
18:00 August 21std 2821 NST: Scene Three:
24:00 July 23rd 2821 NST: Scene Four: The Connection to teh SWARM doesn't go quite as the team hoped. Without of the Star Stone of Hylax the Rod of Healing will not allow the team control over the SWARM, but the "Crown of Hylax" does convince the Swarm to at least change course and head Spinward instead of their current migration path, FOR NOW. The team Has bought the PACT Worlds, The KETT Empire, and the Helios Alliance time. Time is valuable thou and when the team reports their results to their superiors they are pleased. "Now we need to get that Star Stone, and WHO are these new CERBERUS Humans?" END OF MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA CAMPAIGN 5
PARAGON Points: +40