Current PARAGON Points: 20 +10 = 30 (MAX:100) Current RENEGADE Points: 0 + 5 = 5 (MAX:100)
MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA STARFINDER/5e CAMPAIGN 5. 08/21/2022: MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDIA 2821 Chapter 6: The FOREVER Reliquary Opening Scene: The "Krogan's Whip" arrives in the Ashyspo system. Tuesday August 10th 2821 NST:
03 :00 August 10th 2821 NST: Scene One: Finding PrimeIt takes the team about 6 hours to find the Asteroid Ashypso Prime.
9 :00 August 10th 2821 NST: Scene Two:The team realises they can not find the Shirren Reliquary temple from orbit so the drop a team of on the surface. 3 hours later they find an entrance to an old Shirren temple. 18:00 August 10th 2821 NST: Scene Three:
After much mayhem with disintegrator traps the team finds an old temple and retrieve the Crown of Hylax
24:00 August 10th 2821 NST: Scene Four: The team leaves to rendezvous with a small PACT/HA fleet on the edge of the Suskillon system. Plus +5 RENEGADE Points for re activating all the traps as they leave 08/21/2022: MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDIA 2821
Chapter 7: The Hive of Minds