Operational Briefing





Operational Log:

in Zero Point Achtung Cthulhu

 Crisis Convoy April 8th to May 5th 1943

[Played through April 30th1943 on ROLL 20 on 4/28/2023]

Convoy HXS-13 is sailing from Halifax to Liverpool with curial supplies. It consists of 47 merchant ships, and 21 escort warships include a CVE.

The NAZIs are willing to through all available resources from the Luftwaffe LuftFortresses to the Kriegsmarine U Boats. Even the Ahnenebweird Division is committing  the Fish Witch, the Black Suns and the Nacht Wolves.

Act One

        April 28th 16:00 Mid Atlantic, south of Iceland.

        Players are induced to the Convoy formation as they float above in their USN K-7 airship with Max Minnesota and Ian Degal.

Act Two

        April 28th Night

                6 x Type IXC U Boats attack the convoy. The convoy drops to a speed of 4knots after 3 freighters are sunk and two are damaged.

 The team float down the K-7 to help in the repairs on the SS Nicholas and SS North

so they can keep up with the convoy.  Both ships can now make 12 knots so

the HXS-13 picks up speed again to 12knots.



April 29th Day

       The AXIS forces attack again, including  2 Type IXC U Boats, and 2 Luftwaffe LuftFortresses. The Nackt Wolf herself makes an appearance and flies her new Ho229C Jetfighter off the ZLF6.

                        LuftFortresses ZLF3 &ZLF6

                        Type XIXC U-1613

                        2x Type IXC U Boats


  The AXIS forces are fought off, but the convoy loses 3 more freighters, and 2 of the 3 USN K class airships. The Team does help in bringing down the Luftwaffe's aerial aircraft carrier, the ZLF-3 which is a major victory on just its own merits.

The Nackt Wolf in her Ho229C Jetfighter and her wing woman in her Me 209escapes back to the ZLF6 which flies off in the direction of Norway.

April 30th Night

   The Convoy is attacked again by 5 x Type IXC and  2 x Type VIIC U Boats. The

   Type XIXC U-1613 using its experimental "Crystal Veer" power supply, is able to keep up with the convoy even submerged.

The USS K-7 help coordinate the defense and counter attacks. Of the 8 sonar contacts

 7 were able to be Depth Charged and 4 were confirmed U-Boats, and were sunk.

Convoy HXS 13 lost 7 Freighters and the Tanker Agios was damaged and afire,

but was able to keep up with the convoy leaving a burning trail of oil in its wake.

The crew of the K-7 helped put out the fire.

[End of 4/28/2023 session on ROLL 20]


May 1st Night

   The Convoy is attacked again by U-Boats. This time its 3 x Type XI Cruisers and The Type XIXC U-1613 using its experimental "Crystal Veer" power supply, is able to keep up with the convoy even submerged.

The USS K-7 helps coordinate the defense using its Radar to spot the surfaced

U-Boats and coordinate counter attacks. Of the 8 sonar contacts

The 20 Allied escorts were able to force the 3 U Cruisers to submerge with their combined artillery, but only after the USS DE102 Thomas was heavily damaged by German shells.  The HMS Impulsive was hit by a torpedo from the U113 and was sunk while that U Cruiser dived and escaped. The other two U Cruisers were caught on Sonar and hunted down and depth charged to their destruction.

The U-1613 was able to get a torpedo hit on the SS Yearby, a British freighter and she she was rendered death in the water. The U-1613 disappeared from Sonar and escaped.

Convoy HXS 13 picked up survivors and then left the British Freighter SS-Yearby and the USS DE102 Thomas behind in the darkness as the US Navy DE and K7 airship attempt to aid the the damaged ships and get them moving again.

A few hours later that night the avatar of Dagon attacks the 2 crippled ships.

The British Freighter SS-Yearby is sunk  and most of her crew is captured/Killed by the Deepones. The USS DE102 Thomas and USN K7 fight off Dagon's avatar, and save the USN DE and some of the British sailors from the SS-Yearby.

The USS DE102 Thomas Heads to Reykjavik Iceland, and makes it to port May 10th.

May 3rd Night

 The Convoy is attacked again by U-Boats. This time its by 10 of them;

9 x Type VIIC U Boats and the Type XIXC U-1613 using its experimental "Crystal Veer" power supply, is able to keep up with the convoy even submerged. She is down to 6 torpedoes so this will be her last pass at the convoy.

The USS K-7 helps coordinate the defense using its Radar to spot the surfaced

U-Boats and coordinate counter attacks. 9 of the 10 (the VIICs) are spotted as 9 sonar contacts before they are able to attack.

Morning of May 5th Day off the "Isle of Man" in the Irish Sea

   The Convoy is attacked one last time by U-Boats. This time its five Type VIIC

U Boats, BUT there is a twist; ....the Head of the Black Sun's, the Ahnenebweird's

own Obergruppenführer Reinhardt Weissler

 is on the U-666 to open a gate into the Dream Lands to devour the Convoy.

Luckily the Weissler is unaware of the team on the USN Airship K7 overhead.

The K7 crew counter the spell, and the escort sinks 4 of the attacking U-boats.

None of their torpedo attacks hit and the Convoy sails on to port.

The U-666 escapes however....

Act Three Liverpool Free England

Afternoon of May 5th

  Convoy HXS 13 docks safely in Liverpool, sealing the fate of the remaining German troops in Dover. The Last AXIS troops surrender in the British Isles on May 13th 1943...             

[End of 5/5/2023 session on ROLL 20]









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