France 1944 Alt History Campaign: Total Forces (In Divisions)

Unit Type:     USA        British  Canadian  Free French  Polish & minor Allies                        German

Infantry           48        10             3                 6                      2                                  107     

Armored          15        3               2                 2                      2                                  30

Airborne          4          2               --                 --                      1                                  8

Aircraft            3200    2800        ---                --                      --                                  2500

(In planes)

Forces Available in France June 30th 1944 (Beginning of Turn One)

Unit Type:     USA        British  Canadian  Free French  Polish & minor Allies                        German

Infantry           9          4               3                 2                      1                                  92       

Armored          2          2               2                 2                      2                                  8

Aircraft            3200    2800        ---                --                      --                                  2500

Reinforcements waiting in Britain and Germany June 30th 1944

Allied must be shipped or flown over from Britain.

German units can be released in groups of up to 6 each turn starting turn 5 (July 16).

Each time German Reserves are moved to France there is a cumulative 1 in 6 chance the Russians will enter the war. (To a maximum roll of 5 in 6). Once the Russians enter the war, the Germans receive no more reinforcements and must remove 3 Divisions to the East Front during the German Strategic Redeployment Phase each turn afterwards.

Unit Type:     USA        British  Canadian  Free French  Polish & minor Allies                        German

Infantry           39        6               --                 4                      1                                  15       

Armored          13        1               --                 --                      --                                  22

Airborne          4          2               --                 --                      1                                  8


Numbers taken from Rise and Decline of the 3rd Reich, “Dirty Little Secrets of World War II” by James F. Dunnigan and “The World War II Data Book” by John Ellis.



Actual Real Life Forces (In Divisions) Available for France in June 1944

Unit Type:     USA        British  Canadian  Free French  Polish & minor Allies                       

Infantry           17        13             3                 6                      1                                             

Armored          8          5               2                 2                      2                             

Airborne          2          2               --                 --                      1                                 

Aircraft            3200    2800        ---                --                      --                                 


Unit Type:     Allied Total                                                                    German

Infantry                       40                                                        51 (35 were “Static Divisions”)

Armored                      19                                                        8 (+2 in reserve)

Airborne                      5                                                                      --

Aircraft                        6029                                                                820


19 of the German “Static Divisions” were destroyed by the end of June 1944 along with several of their “Mobile” Divisions. In the Game we are assuming only the “Static Divisions” lost.


Numbers taken from pages 197, 199, 212-213 of “Dirty Little Secrets of World War II” by James F. Dunnigan.