Operational Briefing


















Castle of Chaos


Operational Log:

Friday, December 5th 1941

Local Time: 1pm Munich

in Zero Point Achtung Cthulhu


Scene One: The Munich Airport

After the German debacle of the Nazi-Soviet Friendship Celebrations in November, the Nazi Leadership offered an olive branch to the "Free World". An invitation was send to members of not only the United States Government and its private industry leaders, but to the Free Commonwealth and several Neutral nations like Sweden and Brazil.

A weekend summit in southern Germany at Castle Wolfenstien.

The German objective is too see if they can convince The Rebel Commonwealth and its neutral supporters that the war in Europe and Africa is indeed over and should be formerly ended.

The American delegation to the summit includes Major Chance and the Commonwealth delegation includes Commander MacTagart.

The Delta Green/Section M team fly into Bern Switzerland from Lisbon. There they change planes and join about 50 other notables including Ambassador Kennedy and John Ford on a Lufthansa Condor to Munich. A Motorcade takes them from Munich into the German Alps and to Castle Wolfenstien.

They get an initial feeling for their fellow delegates, and it is pretty pro peace. Which under the circumstances is disturbing.



         1. See what the Germans have to say

         2. Along with general protection, make sure there is no "Mind Control" used on the delegates

         3.Find out what the Germans are up to in Castle Wolfenstien.


    Scene Two: Castle Wolfenstien

Friday, December 5th 1941

Local Time:7pm Munich

         A wild carburet style dinner party with a few surprises.



        Scene Three:

Saturday, December 6th 1941


    SS Division Leader Mina Wolf and SS Major Maxum show off their new cyborg troopers and mechs while ambassador Ribbontoop not so subtlety infers that war with the Third Reich would be a bad Idea.


 SScene Four:

Saturday Night/Early Sunday Morning, December 6-7th 1941


    Chance and MacTagart slip out during Ribbontoop's long final speech at midnight and explore the castle. Eluding the guards with an invisibility spell they discover the secret guest in the Castle Dungeons.


S   Scene Five:

Sunday Morning, December 7th 1941


    The delegates from the West and Neutral countries leave for flights back to Bern. Ribbontoop's efforts to convince the West to except peace only has had mixed results. Countries like Sweden, Portugal and Chile seems happy to stay neutral. Countries including Argentina, Venezuela and Turkey seemed very impressed. The delegates from the  USA, the Free British Common Wealth and (oddly because they have a fascist dictator) Brazil seemed horrified by Maxuim's Cyborgs.


     The Delta Green/Section M team fly back to Lisbon with the        American and Free British delegates. These delegates are now in full support of FDR's re-armament plans and see war coming with

     Germany and its AXIS allies as happening sooner rather than later.

     More proof of MiGo actively helping the NAZIs is also


      Sooo the mission was a success....











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