Operational Briefing
Operational Log: 08:00 MOSCOW
TIME (+3GMT) Wednesday, October 25th 1939 After review of the field reports from NKVD in Warsaw during the fall of Warsaw by the senior agent present: Maxim Comeroffski, it has come to our attention that he may have made some mistakes in judgment and allow his own own personal feelings about certain individuals influence his decisions at the time. Luckily the individuals in question are still alive and are accessible for further assessment.
The Mission: Contact the foriegn individuals present at Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr-2 in KARELIA SSR and deal with them in preparation for operation COLD HARVEST. You’re Objectives: 1. Go to Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr-2 and interview the foreign prisoners there. "If" they are cooperative, take them to Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr-3 for furthur assestment by the "master" commissar there. 2. "If" the the "master" commissar of Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr-3 finds that they are trust worthy, transport said individuals to Uhtua. 3. Once at Uhtua prepare for operation COLD HARVEST. POLITICAL OFFICER IN CHARGE:
Operational De-Briefing
Operational Log: Wednesday October 25TH 1939 Kassle's team arrives at Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr-2 in KARELIA SSR by truck from the city of KEM at 1pm. 13:00 Audio Notes of Major KATYA SHEMKOV NKVD for Institute 21 and GRU-7 Arrived at Correctional Labor camp with Colonel Kassel, seven other NKVD officers, the SIX foreign prisoners and twelve political/criminal prisoners from Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr-1 (Four political/criminal prisoners died on route) Thursday October 26TH 1939 11:00 Audio Notes of Major KATYA SHEMKOV NKVD for Institute 21 and GRU-7 After an investigation of the labor camp a creature known as a Lloigor was discover. The creature has great power and is both a value and a danger to the Soviet Union. The creature seems to feed off human psychic energies generated while sleeping. Unfortunately the feeding seems to mutate the human subjects into tentacle monsters. Willing slaves of the Lloigor, and its strange god; GHATANOTHOA, favorite son of CTHULHU and the “Ultimate Communist” or so the converted victims of the Lloigor claim.
Colonel Kassle convinced the Lloigor to assist the Supreme Soviet with promises of an endless supply of fresh convicts to convert into tentacle shock troops for the greater glory of the Soviet Union. Unfortunately before the Lloigor was willing to be reasoned with, (or at least before the Colonel was ready to talk to the creature; she was rather distracted with one of the foreign prisoners most of the night, spending a great deal of it in her Zil-36 Limousine, the Lloigor killed one of the foreigners, 7 of the NKVD agents and all the political/criminal prisoners of Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr2. Colonel Kassle seemed unconcerned at our losses. She arranged for a new group of several hundred prisoners to be delivered and then summoned an Airship; the Skyfurnace SOVIETSKIEY SOYUZ to pick up the survivors and transport us to the City of Uhtua (Population roughly 100,000)on the Finish boarder in preparation of Operation COLD HARVEST [End of transmission and ACT I] ... Operational Log: 20:00 MOSCOW TIME (+3GMT) Monday, October 30th 1939 After review of the field reports from NKVD in Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr2 it has been decided to utilize the foreign prisoners in Operation COLD HARVEST. Foreign interventionists will be allowed to "Volunteer" or be returned to the new and improved Sovkoz Karelia Oktabr2 for permanent residence.
The Mission: Join up with the CHIMERA BRIGADE in preparation for operation COLD HARVEST. You’re Objectives: 1. Go to the City of Uhtua (Population roughly 100,000)on the Finish boarder. 2. Train with the CHIMERA BRIGADE with the newest Soviet equipment there over the next four weeks. 3. Once training completed participate in operation COLD HARVEST. Operational Log: Friday December 29th 1939, 100km inside the Finish border. Roughly 1 month after the attempted Liberation of Finland by the Soviet Union.
13:00 Audio Notes of Major KATYA SHEMKOV NKVD for Institute 21 and GRU-7 CHIMERA Company wiped out all except for myself and the New COMMUNIT-2 at ancient burial Mound/Temple dig site 50km north of the village of Suomussalmi in Finish Karelia. German Ahnenerbe unit observed leaving the valley as the CHIMERA BRIGADE Advanced. Losses to Finish ski troopers was high, but manageable. Strange tree based bioweapons and gas attack during the night wiped us out. All Foreign interventionists "Volunteers" except for the "William Symth" assigned to COMMUNIT 2 were lost. Ancient burial Mound/Temple must have been destroyed in the night attack because the site was gone when reinforcements arrived the next day. Operation COLD HARVEST officially a failure. Ordering all Institute 21 files regarding this operation sealed or destroyed.
Arcane Seal on the side of the Ancient Burial Mound/ Temple |
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