Return of the Blood Talon
![]() COMMANDER VOITAN'S LOG: NEW CREW ROUSER (By Berths): CAPTAINS CABIN : Commander Voitan OFFICERS CABIN ONE: Dr. Rennab Ecurb & Volus Assistant E-Gor-O-Vich OFFICERS CABIN TWO: Julli Bowman Human Navigator OFFICERS CABIN THREE: Blasto (acting publicity Officer) and Quoyle (His Bat Man) OFFICERS CABIN FOUR: Turian Engineers (2) OFFICERS CABIN FIVE: Turian Engineers (2) OFFICERS CABIN SIX: Turian Engineers (2) Crew Beths: 20 (Various races, half are Turian) Cargo Bay One/APEX Barrack : 36 APEX Troopers (Level 5) including one Elcor Heavy Weapons specialist. Cargo Bay Two: Dr. Rennab Ecurb & Volus Assistant E-Gor-O-Vich and their Faber Lab Cargo Bay Three: Cargo Hanger Bay One (Cargo Bay Four): Voitan's Exile Star Fighter, Nomad, Stretch Kodiak Computer Core : empty Geth recharging station PLAYER CHARACTERS NEXUS REWARD FOR SAVING ARK: 20,000c TOTAL EXP SO FAR during the 3rd Campaign : 500 PLAYER CHARACTERS: 28,968 (LEVEL 7) CREW & APEX TEAM MEMBERS : 14,784 (LEVEL 5) AYA
![]() MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDIA 2820 04/17/2020: Return of the Blood Talon Chapter 1 Opening Scene: Nexus SSR Blood Talon has dock at the NEXUS after a 4 month patrol of the Helios cluster. The players head over to the Vortex to blow off some steam; The Vortex is a bar off the NEXUS docks “Commons Area” attended by bartenders Dutch Smith and Ana T’Mari. The players had just started to line up for their drinks when alarms are sounded. (NOTE off duty gear is Andromeda Initiative Coveralls and at most a pistol for weapons and protection) Com links informed them to get back to the Blood Talons and prepare battle stations: a Kett battle cruiser had entered the system and was heading directly for the NEXUS.
They make it back to the Talon only to find the access tube has been locked down. Moments later They see the Kett battlecruiser fly by so close that it is clearly visible from the docks. They also observe several dozen NEXUS star fighters launch and fly after it. (Unlocking the docking tube is was 15DC engineering check and they enter the Talon) Scene Two Most of the crew is missing, on shore leave. By the time the characters get the external sensors and com systems up, they witness the destruction of the Kett Battle cruiser by the NEXUS APEX star fighters. A Successful Scanner roll identifies the Kett battle cruiser as the one the Geth sole from the Quarian Keelah Si’yah 6 months ago. A Successful perception check asks the question; where is “2ndLegion” at? He is not in the Computer Core. Scene Three You are summoned to Director Tan’s Office. With Tan is Captain Senna’Nir vas Keelah Si’yah. Tan wants to know the location of the Geth “2nd Legion”.
RENEGADE Points Earned: 2 Characters lie badly about 2ndLegion's whereabouts. Director Tan gives them a NEW mission: Find that missing GETH! Director Tan then reviews what has been made “Public” about the Reaper invasion back in 2186 and the plague that occurred on the ARK Keelah Si yah. There’s The OFFICIAL Story AND The REAL Story. General Tiran Kandros of APEX interrupts the meeting with a battle report on the Kett Battle crusier. Two things stand out: 1. The battle cruiser never fired a shot. 2. Of the 36 star fighters launched two didn’t return…. Further review of the surveillance footage of the Star Fighter bay revels that this man was piloting one of the missing Star fighters:
10 hours later the crew of the Blood Talon are ready to go find their missing Geth crewmember. Commander Voitan ordered the Blood talon aloft and to set a heading for AYA....