Operational Briefing
Operational Log: 13:00 GMT Thursday, June 13th 1940 June 1940 in Zero Point Achtung Cthulhu Act One: The Tails in two Bunkers Opening Background: London June 1940: After the strange events of Operation THREE KINGS [CLASSIFIED] in the Summer of 1939 the British leadership realized they that Section D (MI6’s Infiltration and sabotage unit) was ill equipped to counter the German Nazi’s Ahnenerbe Occult Division and formed a new section specifically to counter them; Section M. Under the leadership of his Lordship Major Alexander Viscount Towton Section M sets up in penthouse of the Metropole Hotel in London. Training facilities were setup in April in Towton’s home town of Edenbridge, in the county of Kent at his Estate: Clemens Park. By June 1940 the team is busy moving out of the Hotel Metropole and joining their MI6 counter parts into their new government bunkers when they ordered into a briefing. Team make up is Commandos: from the British Military Intelligence services Spies: MI6 and freelance operatives, anyone Department M can get their hands on in Late June 1940 in London. Ivory Tower Intellectuals: Professors from London and all over Britain called in to help with some of the strange circumstances of the Mission. British Military Intelligence: Secret Intelligence Service Section 5 (MI5: Domestic Security Services) Section D (Formed by the Special Operations Executive by PM Winston Churchill in early June after Dunkirk; mission is to support Resistance groups both at home and aboard to fight the Nazis with “Covert Actions and Sabotage”) Section 6 (MI6: Foreign Intelligence service) Section M (Formed after Operation Three Kings in 1939, this section is to counter the SS-SD Occult Organization AhnenerbeWeird and its subdivisions) Section N (Black Bag Unit. Formed in 1923. Unit was setup to analyze and exploit captured intelligence documents such as the contents of foreign “diplomatic bags”) Section Q (Formed in June 1940 as part of the SOE, this section specializes in covert gear.) Section A: (Officially setup as “British Security Co-ordination”, this section was setup in NYC to protect British Interests in the Americas) Timeline of May to June 1940 Disaster at Dunkirk On May 28th June 9th, German forces launches an offensive on Paris. June 10th Norway surrenders to German forces and Italy joins the war by declaring war on France and Great Britain. June 11th Churchill Flies to Paris to meet with French Leadership. The last Anglo-Franch SWC (Supreme War Council) begins June 12th Fifty-first Highland Division surrenders to German forces due to being surrounded. June 13th Afternoon the last Anglo-French SWC ends. Churchill supposedly cancels his meeting with the French government. He boards his personal aircraft and flies off on his way back to London. He never arrives. That evening the SIS receives a distress signal from Churchill’s Havilland Flamingo aircraft. Scene One: Evening in London June 13th 1940: 1A. the Air Raid. The team has to get to Bunker under the Government buildings off Trafalgar square from the penthouse of the Metropole Hotel near Hyde Park. 1B. the Bunker. Supporting Cast: Briefing is run in a small conference room by Major General Sir Stewart Manzies (The Head of the SIS) People present other than the team are Frank Foley (Head of Section 5 (MI5: Domestic Security) George Smiley (Head of Section D) John Alexander Sinclair (Head of Section 6 (MI6) Alexander Viscount Towton (Head of Section M) “N” (Head of Section N) “Q” (Head of Section Q) Benjamin deforest Bayly (Head of Section A) Lt Ian Fleming and Four Commandos (Section D)
The MISSION: Winston Churchill is missing. After the disaster at Dunkirk the SIS is scrapping the bottom of the Barrel and that’s you. Head to Heathrow Airport and fly out to Paris. 1C. crossing the Channel at night. The team including Ian Fleming and four Royal Naval Marines for support fly out on a Q modified Bristol Beaufighter out of London and into Paris just before dawn on Friday June 14th 1940
Mission De-Briefing
Operational Log: 21:00 GMT Thursday, June
13th to 05:00 Saturday June 15th 1940 Scene Two Morning in Paris June 14th 1940: 2A. the Free City. The Bristol Beaufight takes off from London 23:00 June 13th and flies a long loppy course around Luftwaffe Night Fighters to finally reach Paris at dawn (about 5am) Friday June 14th. The team gets busy looking for the Prime Minister. City was declared a “FREE CITY” that morning just after mid-night; no fighting! All French/Allied forces still in the city must surrender to the German army as it arrives. British Embassy: Last saw Churchill when he checked in from the Paris Airport Tuesday morning June 11th. French Government Offices: Choas! The Senior members of the French Government had flown out yesterday to Bordeaux.
Winston Churchill’s Hotel: Finally a clue is found: Winston’s luggage was sent by train to Chateau Du Muguet, in Breteau near Briare on Tuesday just after lunch.
Team evades several German foot, motorcycle and armored car patrols to escape in a Truck to Briare because the Pilot of their Plane had to take off without them to avoid capture by the Germans. Plane was sent west to Bordeaux. 2B. Breteau near Briare. Briare (Population of 22,000 in 1940) is about 160km south of Paris; 90 minute drive by car or a 3 hour ride by train on under NORMAL circumstances. Breteau (4,000 population) Is just 10km outside of Briare. The Chateau Du Muguet is just outside town to the NW. The French army HQ withdrew to here in the first week of June after the Dunkirk disaster. The team truck arrives just after 2pm after 6 hour, mostly cross country drive (To avoid the Luftwaffe Stukas) The staff tells the investigators that all the SWC delegates’ planes left after the session ended in the late afternoon on Wednesday June 12th. Nobody in the Army Staff knows where they went. Searching the records at the Chateau’s airfield revels the flight plans for fighter cover of the Diplomatic planes: TOURS
2C. Prefecture at Tours: The last-ditch talks When the investigators arrive late in the evening on Friday they find the low level British and French diplomatic that are still awaiting transport. If asked how the final session of the Anglo-French SWC went they will tell you: BADLY. The high level delegates all flew out Thursday afternoon to Bordeaux. Phone calls to Bordeaux asking for Churchill say that Churchill never arrived. The staffers said that Churchill received a message on a written note from his private plane’s radio operation shortly before he left. The staffers assumed that he flew back to London. Successful searching for the not finds a three letter message in the Trash: Bruly de Pesche Scene Three: Bruly de Pesche, Belgium 1am Saturday June 15th 1940: 3A. The barn fire by the old druid ring The investigators catch some needed sleep while their plane flies to Tours from Bordeaux. One of the investigators; Professor Aspen Trathwhite recognized the name Bruly de Pesche as the site of a druid ring in Belgium’s southern forests. As soon as their plane arrives, they get it refueled and fly behind enemy lines to Belgium. After evading several Luftwaffe Me110 night fighters they see a barn fire glowing in the vicinity of the Druid ring. The pilot locates a small field rear by and lands. The team dons black commando gear with the help of the Royal Marines and walk off to investigate. The team makes positive IDs on high ranking members of the SS AhnenerbeWierd including their Occult Tech Division, along with a few major Nazi party members, including Adolf Hitler himself. The Nazis are accompanied by a company of SS-AW in their strangely rune-ed Black armor. The Nazi Black Sun Mages were conducting a rite when they carried out the head bandaged body of a man that looked a lot like Winston Churchill lying on a stretcher. At this point a “Whole” in the air appeared and the man on the stretcher was carried through it. At this moment the team decided to try to take some pictures and was sighted on the edge of the woods. Gunplay ensued and in the chaos something with lots of tentacles emerged from the woods. The team made a break for it running into the woods to the south. 3B. The Things in the Bunker The investigators stumbled onto a newly constructed Bunker in the woods south of the Barn Fire. The two guards are killed and the team enters hoping to evade the German SS-AW troops and the thing with tentacles that was chasing them. The bunker in very new, the cement still seems wet and the air has a strong damp moldy smell. In the main room which was darkly lit, they find some strange electronic equipment on a large table in its center; a glowing video screen with a cylinder and a Binoculars mounted on a tripod. There is also someone (something) standing in the shadows of one of the corners of the room. The Video screen comes to life with Winston Churchill on it. He seems very confused. At this point Ian Fleming shouted that he found a back door and tunnel that leads several hundred yards to an airfield. The team started grabbing the equipment when the thing in the shadows move to stop them. It’s a large bat winged Bi- Ped Bug with lots of eye stalks wearing a green Tunic. The Video screen of Winston Churchill screams and combat ensues with Commander McTaggart and the bat winged bug monster in green. As the sounds of the German SS-AW troops entering the Bunker reach the team they decide to take the equipment and run leaving the Bug and the Bunker behind. 3C. Escape back to Britain. The team makes it back to their black Bristol Beaufighter and escape the Me110s back to Britain where they land at they land at the Private section M air field on the Clemens Park Estate, near the town of Edenbridge, in the county of Kent just after dawn on Saturday June 15th.