Chapter Six: The Vatican and the

                          "Things in the Basement"  

Background: Tuesday June 19th 1453, the city state of the Vatican is one of the most influential cities in Western Europe. It’s the seat of the Roman Catholic Church, the most powerful political entity in all of Europe. Unfortunately since Tiamat has flooded this world with magic, she has a group of Demons and Devils tearing up its tombs looking for an artifact.                                             

Enter the Players

730am on Tuesday June 19th, 1453

Arriving from Genoa by Airship with Monsignor Marcello di San Dimas, who is aware of different dimensions as the Popes “Special” envoy for such matters including “magic”, will get the team an audience with the Pope...

The Audience with Pope Nicholas V in Vatican City meeting at

9am of the 19th June 1453

After just 90minutes of dropping there ladder in Vatican City, the team meets with the Pope...

Arriving from Genoa with Monsignor Marcello di San Dimas, they bring with them the good news that the Tarrasque has been banished, at least for now, and the city of Genoa, or at least most of it, has been saved. Monsignor Marcello, who is aware of different dimensions as the Popes “Special” envoy for such matters including “magic”, will now be told of the Basilica’s new “Pest” problem…




Pope Nick pays the surviving party members 7000 gold ducats and has a special mass for the

 4 dead party members, which actually acts like a "Revivification" spell.

"Its a Miracle!" people in the Basillica screem and the players a mobbed. They finally work their way out of the chapel and climb into their air ship and sail North...


Manuel, Albertus, and Reno of Genoa


NPCs of Note

Antikytheran Man

Level 6 Forge Cleric Lawful Neutral                                                                                                              

1000+ year old Clockwork man.                                                                                                                  

Albertus Magnus p30 LDoC

Level 4 Fighter (Champion) Lawful Good                                                                                                    

Lizard Man by Day, Giant Crocodile by Night.                                                                                             

Manuel p16 LDoC

Level 3 Fighter (Battle Master) Neutral Good                                                                                               

Former Bouncer of the House of Joy.    

Devout PACIFIST                                                                                                      

Under the Vatican Dungeon Crawl...

945am June 19th 1453

Pope Nick assigns deacon and janitor  Lud, a big, good natured but dull witted man

to show the party around the catacombs.

The party descends into the catacombs to find the hallways a mess of shattered

sarcophagi. More demonic screaming and heavy thuds are heard down the corridors.

Lud isn't phased by this, "Its been going on now for over a week" he says.

"At least hey haven't smashed my "broom" barrel". He then walks over to a barrel

full of brooms and pitch forks. "Ah, there's my favorite" and retrieves a rather long

fork from the barrel. As he wields the long fork it begins to glow red.

"That's new..." Lud says and then collapses on the ground unconscious.

after several attempts, Joe the Barbarian is able to fully grasp the Long Fork.

Then walking down the stairs is a middle eastern man, wearing sandals, a Hawaiian

shirt over a T shirt that says "SAVES". The party also note that is wearing a crown of

 thorns and is capped off with a halo.

He introduces himself as Jes, and asks if Joe if would he like to know how to use the

Lance of Longinus? Joe says yes, and Jes takes five minutes to give him the basics then

floats back up the stair into a halo of bright light.


The party leaves Lud where they hope he is safe, on the stairs, and continue there investigation of the Vatican catacombs.

First they encounter Imps and Quazits,

Followed by two Barbed Devils, then finally a Balor (also know as Balrogs)


After a long fight the party of 8 had 4 Dead, 2 Unconscious, and 2 left standing



The party wealth gained thus far in the campaign...

Gold earned before May 29th  1453 :   500 (Spent 200 of it in Constantinople)

Gold earned on June 17th  1453 :   3970 (Spent 300 on 60 cows for the Tarrasque BBQ)

this includes 2000gps for saving the city, plus 2100 from gems and gold from the Abbey

Minus 130 gp for stocking the the Blue FLying Fish with supplies for repairs and

extra canvas, and 10 days of decent food for a crew of 10 people.

Gold earned on June 19th  1453 :   7000 - 20 for Blue FLying Fish supplies restock

Total Gold on the Blue FLying Fish : 10,950 kept in 7 100 pd chests in the Hold.



The Experience earned by the party in the campaign so far...

Exp earned for each player before May 29th  1453 : 350

Exp Earned on May 29th 1453:  Total : 3202                                  

Exp Earned on June 17th  1453 :  Total : 3227

Exp Earned on June 19th  1453 :  Total : 7343

 Total Experience so far is : 14122 so players are now Level 6


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