KAB Part Three (Chapter 12 in 1453)

Background: The city of Tenochtitlan, constructed around 1320 AD by the Aztecs. It is the empire’s capital city with an estimated population of 300,000 people in 1450, the largest in all KAB.


Tenochtitlan was built on a series of islands on the western side of the shallow lake Texcoco. The city was connected to the mainland by bridges and causeways leading to the north, south, and west. The causeways were interrupted by bridges that allowed canoes and other water traffic to pass freely. The bridges could be pulled away, if necessary, to protect the city. The city was interlaced with a series of canals, so that all sections of the city could be visited either on foot or via canoe.

In the center of the city were the public buildings, temples, and palaces. Inside a walled square, 500 meters (1,600 ft) to aside, was the ceremonial center. There were about 45 public buildings, including: the largest temple to Quetzalcoatl. The Sun Temple, which was dedicated to Tonatiuho was connected to the Eagle's House, which was associated with warriors and the ancient power of rulers; the platforms around it were used for the gladiatorial games and sacrificial ceremonies.

Just outside city center was the palace of Moctezuma with 100 rooms, each with its own bath, for the lords and ambassadors of allies and conquered peoples.



Chapter 12: The Empire of the Dying Sun

Scene One: Arrival at Tenochtitlan December 30th 1453, the air ship arrives in the Tenochtitlan air space just before lunch.

The team knows that Velez is here, and alive buts that’s about it. The Incans warned that the Aztecs blood lust is a close 2nd to the former Chimu, so be careful.

Scene Two: Once reunited with Velez, the team are treated as honored guests, as the CHIMU who brought him before them lost face as being "wasteful of precious blood".

The CHIMU were executed by the AZTECS.

The team, acting on behalf of Cuzco of the INCA Empire make a Trade and defense treaty with the AZTECs: The Aztecs will control all of Northern KAB, while the INCAs will control Southern KAB. Both will oppose the Dragons of TIAMAT.

Scene Three: January 1st 1454, the airship the "Blue Flying Fish" flies off over the western ocean searching for the final 6 pieces of magic before TIAMAT can get them.

Celestial Planisphere

Crystal of Mu

Wolf Saber

Dancing Gold Dragon Sword

Hanjo Masamune Katana

Egg of the Abys




The party wealth gained thus far in the campaign...

Total Gold on the Blue Flying Fish : 10,950 kept in 7 100 pd chests in the hold.



The Experience earned by the party in the campaign so far...

Exp earned for each player before  December 30th 1453 : 64,265

Exp earned for each player for Diplomacy  December 30th to 31st 1453 : +10,000

Player Exp level as of January 1st 1454: 74,265

Players are currently Level 10


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