Chapter Five: The Tarrasque and the fate of Genoa

Background: Sunday June 17th 1453, the city state of Genoa is one of the most powerful nations in Western Europe. Unfortunately since Tiamat has flooded this world with magic, it is about to get stumped on by a Tarrasque.

        The Beast appeared after an island floating in the sky appeared off the coast a week ago. The Creature crushed a quarter of the city and then disappeared. Six flying dragons and many dragomen from the floating Island in the sky then delivered a demand, "deliver to them the

Amulet of Perfect Love

& half their Quarterly earnings

Or the City will be destroyed…"

The Dragon men have given the City till sunset tonight to deliver both or the city will be destroyed.

Enter the Players

Returning from Constantinople with them is Monsignor Marcello di San Dimas along with some other notable allies from the doomed city, they are immediately summoned to the city hall for a meeting with the City Council. Monsignor Marcello, who is aware of different dimensions as the Popes “Special” envoy for such matters including “magic”, will give the team Rings of the Italian language, allowing them to speak Italian.

The Genoa City meeting at 9am of the 17th June 1453

After three weeks at sea, the party is forced to quickly clean themselves up and present themselves along with General Giovanni Giustiniani Longo to the City council.

The Greater Council hall, resembles a theater that can seat up to 300 with a table on a stage with 9 seats facing the audience. The mayor of Genoa sits in the center seat, he stands as the General and the party enters, and is seated in in the front row. He then begins the meeting.

The meeting is raucous, anxious, but hopeful. The hall is full with the city's wealthy and influential filling hall, with many standing along the walls, and many more standing outside. The city mayor and the council members beings the meeting, with a brief description of the Dragomen's' demands. The mayor then welcomes General Giovanni Giustiniani Longo and gives a brief description of what he has already been told of what happened at the city of Constantinople. The crowd becomes hushed as the description of Tiamat and her army is conveyed to the crowd. Many murmur disbelief, while many more point out the six dragons seen daily flying over head and their many flying minions as proof of what they have just heard.

 The mayor then asks if anyone knows anything about the

"Amulet of Perfect Love" ?

 There is silence for a few long seconds and then a hooded man in the back shouts out that he does.

 "Who are you?" the Mayor asks

The man answers, "I am Reno Auditore da Firenze of Florence, and the Amulet, according to legend is in the Abbey of St. Valentine, on Abbey Island about 3 hours sail from here out into the Ligurian Sea (the area of the Mediterranean near Genoa)."

The mayor then turns to General Giovanni Giustiniani Longo and says,

"Put together a party of men and retreive  that Amulet before sunset...."

 The City Council meeting ends by 10am.

A brief description of the Abbey is given by Reno, built just before the collapse of the Roman Empire in 469AD, it was abandoned around 1205AD when most of the monks left to support the 4th and last major Crusade. It was sort of sacked by pirates shortly after. The sort of part was that the pirates that sacked the Island where cursed by the last of the monks as they killed them. All the pirates later returned to the island with their stolen treasure to become undead, or so the story goes....

Sunset day in Genoa is at about 930pm. They party can have a boat ready in 30 minutes to take them. Its a 3 hour sail to the Island. The Return trip will be 4 hours due to currents.

This means they will have about 3 to 4 hours to find what they are looking for and return to Genoa before the Tarrasque returns...


Manuel, Albertus, and Reno of Genoa


NPCs of Note

General Giovanni Giustiniani Longo,

Leader of the Mercenary forces hired by the Pope, to save Constantinople, he and his men are treated as heroes as they get off the ship. He will be invited to the Genoese City Council meeting at 9am. He realizes the situation with the Tarrassque is hopeless, but supports whatever plan the Heroes come up with to save the city.                                                                                                                                               

Level 6 Fighter (Battle Master) Lawful Good                                                                                               

Proficiency: +3 Hps: 62 AC 18, 2x attacks     p19 LDoC                                                                             

Antikytheran Man

Level 6 Forge Cleric Lawful Neutral                                                                                                              

1000+ year old Clockwork man.                                                                                                                  

Albertus Magnus p30 LDoC

Level 4 Fighter (Champion) Lawful Good                                                                                                    

Lizard Man by Day, Giant Crocodile by Night.                                                                                             

Manuel p16 LDoC

Level 3 Fighter (Battle Master) Neutral Good                                                                                               

Former Bouncer of the House of Joy.                                                                                                          


The Isle of the Abbey

12:55pm in the afternoon of June 17th 1453

At this point the party has to find a way ashore...

The have to land on the southern tip of the island due to the rest of the Isl is surrounded by rock reefs and a 45' cliff.

The party fight their way through the dunes filled with swarms of "Undead" Skeletons to reach the ruins of the abby beyond. There they find that Tiamat's "Blue" island already has a "Sky Ship" here crewed by 10 "Dragon men" searching the ruins.

The party fights and defeats the 10 Dragon creatures and takes one, a YaunTai MAlison hostage. They learn learn more of  Tiamat's plans, and that there was a spy at the City Hall this morning so it was easy for the Dragons to get here 1st.

The party then goes down into the cellars (Dungeon) of the abbey to look for the

"Amulet of Perfect Love"


The Cellars are cleared of "Evil" constructs and undead zombies. The party now knows more of the true nature of teh Abbey before it was destroyed in 1204, and they now possess the "Amulet of Perfect Love".

Return to Genoa

With their new captured Flying Blue FIsh "Sky Ship" the party returnes to Genoa by 4pm and captures the spy.

Their "BBQ" plan distracts the Tarrasque when it returns long enough to neutralize the beast with the "Amulet of Perfect Love".

The late night assault on Genoa

With their main weapon recalled, the crew of the "Floating Blue Island" launches a night attack on the city, but losses one of the Young dragons to the assault on the walls due to the City's shout defenses and their Ballista.

Off to the Vatican

By sun rise on Monday the 18th, the Floating Blue Dragon Island is no where to be seen. General Giovanni Giustiniani Longo is declared a hero for organizing the city defense, and the players are rewarded with land and money for their successes at saving the city. They then climb onto their Sky ship the Blue FLying Fish and sail off for Rome...



The party wealth gained thus far in the campaign...

Gold earned before May 29th  1453 :   500 (Spent 200 of it in Constantinople)

Gold earned on June 17th  1453 :   3970 (Spent 300 on 60 cows for the Tarrasque BBQ)

this includes 2000gps for saving the city, plus 2100 from gems and gold from the Abbey

Minus 130 gp for stocking the the Blue FLying Fish with supplies for repairs and

extra canvas, and 10 days of decent food for a crew of 10 people.




The Experience earned by the party in the campaign so far...

Exp earned for each player before May 29th  1453 : 350

Exp Earned on May 29th 1453:  Total : 3202                                  

Exp Earned on June 17th  1453 :  Total : 3227

 Total Experience so far is : 6779 so players are now Level 5


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