Chapter Fifteen: The Flying Fortress Temple of


 The team's airship is Hi Jacked by by the Arcane powers of the God Tiamat to land on her Flying Fortress Temple in the Aether...

Chapter 15, Trakhisss,

Background: After spending about a year collecting artifacts around the world to prevent them from landing in Tiamats hands, the team and their crew are sent to the plane of AETHER by an attacking Illithid Warship, The "Gary". The team only has a few minutes before the ship docks....

Scene One: Friday March 24th  1454….

The Flying Blue Fish arrives…

Tiamat’s Welcoming Reception Party

10 Kobold Companies (820)

10 Human Platoons (210)

5 Draconian Squads (55)

The Docks are being swarmed by over 1200 creatures as the

Flying Blue Fish Docks onto the Flying Fortress of Trakhisss.

The team escapes by enlisting the aid of the South American Death God Mictlantecuhtli 

The team "Dimension Door" into the warrens of the Fortress....

Scene Two:

   The Team run through the maze of Dragon Scaled halls to a room filled with statues.

 The Team defeat the Adult Black DracoLisk in the Entry Hall

Scene Three:

Once again running through the halls of the Flying Fortress Temple, the team enters a new room...

The Garden of Tiamat...

The team survives their encounter with the Adult Green Dragon Gwen and

the “Charming Garden” of Tiamat

They escape the garden...

Scene Four:

Once again in the halls, the team hears the approach by a company of Tiamat's Guards....

Scene Five:

The team enters the open air "Steering Bridge" of the flying Fortress

Control Bridge of Trakhiss

Adult White Dragon “Cleave” CSits in the ennormus platform which is the room.

She is attended by her 4 Dragon Born of Tiamat Escort

The Fortress is guided by a Storm Giant sitting in a command chair on the center of the platform, Blagothkuse

  The lead members of the team decide to storm into the room, followed by some of the more level headed party members.

Cleave picks up her head as they run into the room. and

 Mergatroid successfully engages Cleave in conversation,

but is cut short by Tristen the "Ta Bard"  who slaps the

"Shackles of binding on the Dragon.

Combat ensues and the storm giant and his control chair are

 destroyed. Cleave is killed (De-capitated) along with 2 of

 her 4 attendants. The last 2 yield.

With the flying Fortress flying out of control,

The "Lady of the Lake" of the Britain's, and  Mictlantecuhtli

 of South KAB (South America) come to the team's aid to get them

 off the faultering Sky Fortress.

Mergatriod and Murrag, after stuffing both Cleave's head and body

into the bag of holding leave the party over differences of approach

 to conflicts and escape by gating to Britain.

  Mictlantecuhtli offers to take the rest of the party to South KAB,

which the rest of the party accepts accept Manuel, who attempts to

fly the Sky Fortress into the Earth's Moon.    

Realizing too late that this would take a very long time, Tiamat arrives on the Bridge and kills Manuel and rights her Fortress and repairs the damage.



Thus ends Tiamat's campaign on Earth in 1454?........




The Gary





The party wealth gained thus far in the campaign...

only what they had in the bag of holding...


The Experience earned by the party in the campaign so far...

Player Exp level as of March 24th 1454: 89,425

 Exp for each player for:  Surviving Tiamat’s Welcoming Reception Party

10 Kobold Companies (820)

10 Human Platoons (210)

5 Draconian Squads (55)

The Docks are being swarmed by over 1200 creatures as the

Flying Blue Fish Docks onto the Flying Fortress of Trakhisss.

                                             Exp earned: +1200


Exp for each player for defeating the Adult Black DracoLisk in the Entry Hall

                                             Exp earned: +3000

Exp for each player for surviving the Adult Green Dragon Gwen and

the “Charming Garden” of Tiamat

                                             Exp earned: +3000


Player Exp level as of the evening of March 24th 1454: 96,625

Exp for each player for Retrieving 10 out of the 13 Artifacts ...s

                                             Exp earned: +10000

Exp for each player for actions on the Bridge of the Trakhissss

                                             Exp earned: +4443

Player Exp level as of the morning of March 25th 1454: 111,058

Players are currently Level 12



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