Chapter Thirteen: Ochimo, the Spirite Warrior

In search of the Crystal of Mu

Chapter 13, Akira Island,

Background: After 37 days of sailing the skies over the Pacific Ocean, the Flying Blue Fish is engulfed in a magical cloud bank at sunset….

Scene One: Monday February 6th 1454….

Approaching the Island Akira just after sunset….

The sun has just set and as if appearing out of nowhere, maybe in a trick of the light in the Redding sky, a large island appears suddenly seemingly out of nowhere.

Awareness checks

DC10 = The island is roughly 50 miles by 75 miles in size, (about 2/3 the size of Hawaii)

DC 15 = What are those two “droning” objects flying out of the sunset?

The team, by use of magic and skill are able to save the

 Flying Blue Fish, take down the two attacking metal dragons, and capture both of the riders.


Scene Two: Monday Night February 6th 1454

The Flying Blue Fish is now attacked by a "Typhoon" Spell. The "Green Knight" Murrag Dispells the whirlwind attacking the ship.

The attacker, a Tun Mi Lung seen off shore of the island, is not deterred, and now casts a "Curse" on the  Flying Blue Fish so she can no longer fly.

The Team, in the gathering darkness of the moonless night, land the ship at the docks of a small walled city on the western side of the Island.

Walled City of Shu Lan, Akira Island

Scene Three: Late Monday Night  to early Tuesday February 7th1454

The cew of the Flying Blue Fish make their charisma saves and are welcomed as heroes in the small city of Shu Lan.

The city is fairly new, only founded about 21 years ago. Now a healthy population of about 8,000, prospering on growing exotic tropical fruits in the orchards to be shipped to the big island of Honshu, about a weeks sail away.

Then about 9 months ago the island changed, and magic seems to have become real on the island. For the most part it was a good thing, with blessings and other common rituals now suddenly giving much added benefits.

Strange things happened too, like sightings of Kaiju and Dragons both in the jungle and off the coast.

Then in the past month, the Ochimo, a spirit/ghost warrior began to arrive. The horse mounted samurai rode right through the stockade and would do battle with anyone that challenged him and would slay from 1 to ten challengers before riding off.

To make matters worse, search parties looking for where this warrior came from report two new communities on the island that were just not there before. one to the south, and one to the north.

The one on to the north captured many of the search party members and forced them to work on an "airfield" according to the single man that later escaped.

The community to the south is populated by strange depraved spirit people. According to the few that escaped their claws, some are human, some are snake people, some are lizard people, and some are fish people, and most are a mix human and one of the other.

About 2 weeks ago the governor sent a request by cargo ship to Honshu, but no ships have arrived since.

The Governor has offered to give a magic gift to each of the party if they can save their captured people and slay the Ochimo...

The team interrogated the two metal Dragon Riders, and they claim to be members of the "Imperial Japanese Army Air Force". They look and speak similarly to the native "Nipponese" of Shun Lan, yet they say they are from

1944, and the year is now 1454. They are from the fortress community on the north side of the island.

They team decides to get some rest before heading out into the jungle late the next morning


Scene Four: Early Tuesday morning February 7th1454

While the majority of the crew sleep off the "sake" or rice wine from the night before, the crew of the Flying Blue Fish that stand watch witness a strange occurrence as the Sun rises.

The City and Shu Lan becomes a deserted vine covered ruin and is half reclaimed by the near by jungle.

The team decides to take 6 members and fly North east to the possible center of the island.


Scene Five: 11am ish  Tuesday February 7th1454

While flying North East, looking for an entrance to the fog at the center of the island, the team discovers a jungle covered lost city. They find some of the writing on the walls. Using magic they read the advertisements welcoming visitors to the Island of Akira, home to the famous

"Crystal of Mu"...

The writing is over 100,000 years old...

They also find graffiti left by Japanese pirates, giving the date of about 1224AD. It seems they used the city as a base to stash treasure.

The last piece of graffiti warns of 5 Ghost warriors that protect the island. The team doesn't find any treasure...

The team continues toward the island center...

Scene Six: 1pm ish  Tuesday February 7th1454

The team reaches the edge of the fog bank but if they walk in , they walk right back out... 

They find an over grown packed dirt road heading to the North...

Scene Seven: Tuesday 6pm-ish February 7th 1454….

The team arrives at Fort Taiko, a ruined 1944 Japanese army base, over grown with vines.

The team hides in various places in the ruins and an await the sun to set. Which it does, and the base comes to life…

There are over a thousand Japanese soldiers, including Tanks, Mechs and Aircraft. The team finds the captured villagers, and with the help of the river dolphins, summon the Kaiju Godzilla and in the mayhem rescue the Captured villagers and escape.


Scene Eight: Wednesday 3am-ish February 8th 1454….

The team arrives at Shu Lang Akira with the recued villagers from Fort Taiko, and there is a great celebration. The town awakens to throw a party, only to have it crashed by a Ghost Samurai at the gate on a Ghostly horse and 4 Displacer Beasts.

Marco faces off with the Ghost and the two disappear along with the horse and the Displacer Beasts…

After much confused searching the Village returns to jungle ruins as the sun comes up.


Scene Nine: Wednesday 2pm-ish February 8th 1454….

Corpse of the Gargantua 

The team flies south along the Southwest coast of the Island and discover the bones of a long dead 400’ tall ape. They find a small shrine, which the team collect and leave flowers at. In the skull they find a series of numbers written inside above the eyes.

Scene Ten: Wednesday 3pm-ish February 8th 1454….

The Bunker

The team finds a pack of Polar Bears lounging around a stone mound with a steel door. A number pad is next to it. Murrag asks the bears to leave and a large snake comes out of the Jungle and askes, are you “Heroes?” It explains an evil sorcerer is at the center of the Island keeping the “Spirt of the Island” hostage. It goes on to say that a heavy-set man with a medallion was able to enter the Fog at the center of the Island and returned with the Crystal of MU. He left the Crystal of Mu below in the Bunker of DHARMA.

Valez applies the numbers from the Ape skull to the key pad and enter the bunk…

Inside they find a dimly lit complex, supposedly built in 1984, and abandoned in 2010. In the “Bowling Ally” room, they find the “Crytal of Mu” among the “Bowling balls.”

The “Crytal of Mu” is and glowing green orb, the size of a bowling ball. It’s an immensely powerful magic orb, sentient, and totally Evil.

After leaving the Bunker, the team deposit the “Crytal of Mu” in a bag holding. The “large Snake” offers to tak ethe team to the heavy-set man with the amulet if they promise to save the Island Spirit. The team does and the snake takes them through the jungle back to the shoreline to wreck of a metal “Air Ship.”

Scene Eleven: Wednesday 6pm-ish February 8th 1454….

The Metal Dragon 747 on the beach

The team here meets “Hurly” the heavy-set man that found the amulet to gain passage to the center of the Island in the DHARMA bunker.

He does describe the center of the island as a vast swamp with an overgrown temple at its center. In the center chamber he found a “Cool Bowling ball” which he brought back to the bunker.

As the sun sets Hurely agrees to go with the team to  help save the Villagers from the Southern Coast Temple. As flies off with the team to the south, the rest of the 747 passengers disappear after sunset.

Scene Twelve: Wednesday 7pm-ish February 8th 1454….

Temple of Tai He of Mu

The team flies in after the sun has set, and in the Twilight they see the creatures of MU have the captured Villagers tied to stakes at the water line while they summon “Dagon Avatar of Cthulhu”.

In the mayhem that ensues, the Team summon Godzilla to fight Dagon, and the Team engage the “Air Ochimu” flies in from the island escorted by over 40 flying flaming Katanas. Valez squares off with the spirit samurai and engulfs the ghost in Darkness. Then Valez disappears along with the flying Katanas leaving only the Ghostly creature in Great Samurai armor. As the team prepares to fight the Air Ochimu, Valez speaks outfrom inside the Armor.

It seems that due to Valez’s unique condition, Valez is now encased in the cursed Ghost armor. Unfortunately they lost the talisman that Hurley gave them, fortunately when they return to Shu Lan, the priests there are sure that with this armor Valez can escort the team into the fog att he center of the island.

During the celebration at the Shu Lan for the retrieval of the final hostages, Hurley decides to stay.

Another Ochimu crashes this party and Manwell disappears this time with the Water Ochimu.


Scene Thirteen: Thursday Noon February 9th 1454….

The Team Enter the fog at the center of the Island.

The Grey Wastes

After entry the fog thins a bit and its nighttime.

 As they continue into to the center of the swamp, they find a large

 but shallow lake.

They witness this:


The team decides to  save the pilot by "Turning" the Gaki, zombies,

Saving the USAAF, who introduces himself as Captain Clarke Butler.

Who joins the party.


There they see the Forsaken Citadel, the Opawangchicheng



Act 2: The Opawangchicheng

1.The Main Causeway

        Scaling the walls summons a steady stream of enchanted bats.

Walking around the wall’s exterior summons Mosquitos swarms. Achways have writing stating “Opawangchicheng”


2. Entrance to the Outer Wall

4 stone spirits (similar to gargoyles) will animate after the adventurers pass and follow them from the shadows.


3. Southern Wall Passage

A dark passageway, if illuminated shows 800’ of murals on both walls depicting the history of Japan’s 4th to 81st Emperors. With every emperor there is the same man wearing leopard/jaguar furs.


4. Inner Corner Rooms

        Coffins of 4 of the Ochimo

        Trapped with the “Curse of the Ochimo” anyone stepping on the ground in these rooms EXCEPT 4’ around the inner wall are Soul Captured by the OpaWang.


5. Corner Entrances

X marks teleportation traps. The floor is illusionary and drops to a 20’ deep pit. Unintelligent creatures, fall in. Intelligent creatures are spirit trapped like the spell used by the Ochimo. Undead are immune to teleport. Save (CON) DC 30


6.East and West Dark Passages

Historical mural painted in a similar style to the one on the Southern wall. This one, running south to north begins in 1185AD.

The rural only runs about 300’, the first 270 begives history of the Island since 1185. The last 30 feet how ever covers just the last 10 months. Pictures of the Blue Flying Fish and their own party dominate the illustration.


7.Northern Passage, Illuminated

A mural depicting the greatness of the man wearing leopard/jaguar furs: The OpaWang It Labels him.


8.First Inner Ring

        30 Displacer beasts roam the ring.

9.Beast Lord

130hp and a +3 collar of protection, AC16. If conversed with, will not attack, and may even give some info. It’s bored.


4 Displacer Beast cubs. If disturbed, all the 31 other Displacer beasts and the Beast will be there in 1d6 rounds and will attack until they slain the party or are slain.

11.Abandoned Shinto Shire

1d6 Displacer Beasts

12. Abandoned Shinto Shire

Secret door to a dead Naga, and a Naga Spirit that will give them thanks and info before it departs through the open door.

Has knowledge of the original Temple that was on the site before the OpaWang built his Opawangchicheng over it.


The Party observed and avoided the inner ring  …


13.Hall of Meditation

        2 Stone Statues animate on the Adventurers entrance.


14.Hall of Convocation

        2 Stone Statues animate on the Adventurers entrance.


15. Hall of Offerings

        A room full of old rotting junk? Maybe Maybe not…

        6 random magic Items of level 10 value were found here

16.Entrance to the Middle Ring

The Party observed and avoided the Guard Posts and Balcony Walls  …

17. Guard Posts

    8 Yuan Ti Mummies. Combat brings the Void Ochimo and escort.

18.-20 Balcony Walls

 Patrolled by the Void Ochimo and his Gaki Ashigari.

Act 3: The Temple of the OpaWang

1.Hall of the Ochimo

5 rings on the floor, Green Blue, Yellow,  Red and Black

Here the party battled and defeated the Ochimos

2. Pool of the 3rd Ring

        This greenish grey stagnant liquid is a Spirit Capture Trap

3 to 9 Temple rooms

        Sparse rooms to pray and mediate, all with verandas over looking the now stagnant Inner ring pool.

10.Hall of the Giant 20’ Head of the OpaWang

A Clay Golem sub-type, it is the OpaWang’s last gate keeper.

Here the party battled and defeated the OpaWang's Giant Head...


11.Temple Foyer & the Lair of the OpaWang

OpaWang (Level 18 Shukenja/Lich)


 Here the party battled and defeated the OpaWang...

             OR did they?

                The OpaWang escaped with several prisoners including Clarke Butler and the Island Spirit into the Spirit world....


Akira Isl Spirit










OpaWang attacks



The party wealth gained thus far in the campaign...

Total Gold on the Blue Flying Fish : 10,950 kept in 7 100 pd chests in the hold.


The Experience earned by the party in the campaign so far...

Player Exp level as of January 1st 1454: 74,265

Exp earned for each player for Adventuring on Akira Island 

February 6th  to March 9th 1454 : +12,000

Player Exp level as of March 9th 1454: 86,265

Players are currently Level 11



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