City of Chan Chan




Chapter Eleven: The Bloody Moon of the CHIMU

Played out Decmber 16th 2023at GEEK FORTRESS


: The coastal city of Chan Chan, constructed around 850 AD by the Chimú. It is the empire’s capital city with an estimated population of 60,000 people in 1450-1470.

The Chimú resided on a strip of coastal desert on the northwestern part of the continent. The rivers in the region carved a series of fertile valley plains, which were very flat and well-suited to irrigation canals. Chan Chan is surrounded by small rural centers or villages belonging to various peoples the Chimu have conquered. Agriculture and fishing were both very important to the Chimú economy, however metal working is their biggest commodity. The Chimu are currently the leaders of metallurgy in the KAB  and produce 90% of South KAB’s Bronze.

Chan Chan is a walled city centered on the Plaza of the Moon Temple. Their moon good Shi, was given offering on full moons. Their society was a 4-tier system, with the members of the Priest caste at the top.  Temples and Ritual sites were also used as governing headquarters. The members of the military were the next in the line of power, while the artisans, merchants, tradesmen, and land-owning farmers third. The fourth and largest caste was labor, who were fed and housed by the state, often near or on temple grounds. The fourth tier also supplied most of the “offerings” at their local temple.

Worshipping the moon, Shi, the Chimú, unlike the Inca, considered it more powerful than the sun. Offerings played an important role in religious rites. Children were considered the best offering, and several mass graves of 140-200 children have been found including a 13th-century Chimú massacre of some 200 boys at a site near Punta Lobos.(Source:Jan 9, 2019 National geographic)

Chan-Chan was built of brick, instead of stone like the Incas like to use. Brick is easier to build, but also easier to break.


Chapter 11: The Bloody Moon of the Chimu

Scene One: Return to Machu Pichu

October 5th 1453, lunch in the Inca Imperial Palace.

The team revels  their deal with Mictlantecuhtli

Which is, return the Crystal Skull and he will give you the CODEX of the INFINITE

He will also help safeguard the western half of South KAB from the Dragons. Finally he will restore the “stoned” subjects of the empire to their living and breathing state.

The only lead you have is that the CHIMU invaded the Lake Titi-Caca area back in 1438. They only stayed a few weeks, and left as abruptly as they came.

Emperor Cuzco has never liked the Chimu, but they are a major trade partner specializing in metal works, so he has avoided war with them. Cuzco finds their religious practices unsavory. While the Inca Empire is made up of many cultures, 9/10 of the tribes and communities have joined willingly. The exact opposite can be said of the Chimu, which is possibly why so many independent communities have joined the INCA Empire in the last decade, for protection against the Chimu.

Yzma, Cuzco’s advisor and now fully functioning sorceress, will now let the team know that she believes she can fix their ship, but it will take time, a few weeks at least. Cuzco’s Options are:

1)  Send the team into Chan Chan, the Chimú Empire’s capital as spies to look for this “Crytal Skull” [ Yzma likes this option, since magic was strengthened 4 months ago, there has been some strange noctral sightings on their boarders and their border community’s are worried.]

2)  Send in the Incan Army and end the Chimu sooner rather than later. This choice will take time, however. Chan Chan is 1150 miles by roads, 820 miles by air.

Incan Army Mobilization Options

Option One:

Leave tomorrow, taking the Place Guard, pick up some troops along the way, and they can arrive at Chan Chan in 48 days.

Troop Strength: 6,000

Option Two:

Wait One lunar month, taking the Place Guard, pick up mobilized forces along the way, and they can arrive at Chan Chan in 76 days.

Troop Strength: 60,000

 There is a third Option: Send in diplomats and peacefully ask.

They all agree on Option One. Yzma has polymorph potions that can change the team members into flying creatures so they can spy on the CHIMU in their capital city of Chan Chan.

With Yzma's potions most of the team turn into Eagles, all but Velez.

He Opts for a ROC, and with Yzma's help has a polymorph potion that can make the change.

Scene Two: Chan-Chan

October 5th 1453, Flying over Chan-Chan under the New Moon after dark.

The team Discovers that the CHIMU have raised an army of

 Lycanthropes marching off to invade the Inca Empire...

Air battles and ground combat on top of the Temple of the Moon in the center of the city follows.

The Crystal Skull along with 4 other random magic items are retrieved (To be determined later) from the Temple of Shi, BUT Velez is captured. The rest of the adventurers escape to warn Cuzco and the Inca Empire of the pending CHIMU invasion.

Chimu Army Mobilization 

Chimu have already started Mobilizing for an attack on the Inca Empire. The Army will be leaving Chan Chan between October 6-7

6800 troops

They will cross the Inca Borders on October 16th and reach the Capital of Cuzco on

November 17th.

Chan Chan City Troops

        High Priest (9th Level Nagual) Peuchen mount

        28 Acolytes (7th Level Nagual)

        258 Naguals

        300 Clerics

City Commander (max hp werejaguar, human form, 75hp AC19)

        450 Werejaguars (Heavy troops in human form, 50hp, AC19)

Moon Temple Square Guardians

        4 Cuauhxicalli Great Stone Jaguars

Invasion Force (6462 Lycanthropes)

6 Okpe (stone elemental cavalry)

6 Peuchen (Air Snakes)


General(max hp werejaguar, human form, 75hp AC19) Okpe M

        Moon Priest (9th Level Nagual) Peuchen Mount

        20 Naguals(Sorcerers) 5 on Okpes/5 on Peuchens 10 on foot

        1000 Werejaguars (Heavy Units)

        2200 Werewolves (Meduim Units)

        3240 Wererats (Light units)

Human Form troops

Light Units 3240Slings: in human form, 10hp, AC14)

Meduim Units 2200 Great Axes: in human form, 30hp, AC16)

Heavy Units 1000 MorningStar-Sword: in human form, 50hp, AC19)



Scene Three: Return to Machu Pichu

December 28th 1453, The CHIMU have been conquered.

(20 years earlier than our time line)

The team's airship is fixed. Cuzco and Malina have been married, and

Mictlantecuhtli returns the "Stoned" citizens of the Inca Empire to normal

 and delivers the CODEX of the INFINITE to the party for the Crystal Skull.

He also tells the team that Velez is not dead but North in the city of the Aztecs, capital of the Empire of the Dying Sun.

The Aztecs, like the Inca are Sun worshipers, but they take a different

view of the god than they Inca do. Cuzco wishes them well as they leave to

 rescue their friend, but warns them to be careful with the Aztecs,

"They are the most powerful Empire in KAB, the Inca's only true

 remaining rival now other than the Portuguese and there Blue Dragons

 to the West. Be careful..."







Malina, Yzma’s apprentice

Incan Army Organization

Human troops

30% Light Units Slings or LongBows, 10hp, AC14)

60% Meduim Units Spears & Axes:  30hp, AC16)

10%Heavy Units 1000 Morningstars:  50hp, AC19)

Option One:

Leave tomorrow, taking the Place Guard, pick up some troops along the way, and they can arrive at Chan Chan in 48 days.

Troop Strength: 6,000

Option Two:

Wait One lunar month, taking the Place Guard, pick up mobilized forces along the way, and they can arrive at Chan Chan in 76 days.

Troop Strength: 60,000









The party wealth gained thus far in the campaign...

Total Gold on the Blue Flying Fish : 10,950 kept in 7 100 pd chests in the hold.



The Experience earned by the party in the campaign so far...

Exp earned for each player as of  October 5th 1453 : 52,165

Exp earned for each player on  between October 5th to December 30th 1453 :  + 12,100

Total experience from the Temple of Shi in Chan Chan

Exp for each player

        1 Peuchen:                                 +1400

        6 WereJaguars:                            +700

        Total experience from the Conquest of the CHIMU Empire





64,265 total Exp so far


Players are now Level 10



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